< SOLO 2018


“A confident beautiful colour palette backed by intelligent plays of light” – James King

Patron’s award and Highly Commended TasArt Awards 2017.

Female Factory|Ross|Tasmania|Australia
Daylights: Continuum |Scott Bennett |2017|Oil on linen | 24″x32″ | Private collection

Click here to view a zoomable image of the painting.

The Ross Female Factory – a former workhouse for female convicts – is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

a continuous sequence in which adjacent elements are not perceptibly different from each other, but the extremes are quite distinct.

“Finally, the rituals of preparing and eating meals are crucial, everyday modes of inhabiting the landscape, albeit usually indoor. Are not the interiors of houses just as much a part of the landscape as their exteriors. One might argue that interiors are, by definition, places from which the landscape has been excluded, or where remnants of it are allowed in, only if tamed or domesticated. Yet …landscape is not just about external views but about chosen, “manageable themes”. We can choose to understand landscape …as the integration rather than the opposition of these (gendered) dualisms of inside/outside, production /reproduction. – Bronwyn Hanna

“What do you see when you turn out the light? I can’t tell you, but I know it’s mine. – The Beatles (With a Little Help from My Friends)”

Colour Space

See Companion piece


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