Countless Suns, like grains of sand!
Please look up at night, it is a meditation on the context of our earthly issues! I show this shot to friends and ask them to look at this small portion of the sky and to imagine our sun as just one of those dots. Every star on average has at least one planet orbiting it, which means there are probably many more planets than stars; at least 100-400 billion in our milky home galaxy alone!
This is a single exposure of the Southern Cross and Milky Way. This is the longest exposure (10 minutes) that I’ve ever shot with a camera.
The dark patch is the Coalsack Nebula that Aboriginal people associated with a stingray* or as the head of an emu whose neck and body make up the bulk of our galaxy.
*Those from the south and east of Tasmania
Coalsack Nebula | Crux (Southern Cross) | From Ross | Tasmania | Australia
Countless Suns
Scott Bennett
Digital photograph
Camera: Nikon D5200
Exposure: 35mm f/1.8, ISO 100, 598 seconds
Mount: Vixen Polarie Equatorial Star Tracker